martedì 2 febbraio 2016

What is holy in your life?

Abbie Hoffman, River Phoenix, Kurt Cobain and Andrew Wood: stories of success but also stories of drug addiction. For many years, they were successful people but at the same time, they struggled with a bad addiction to opiates, cocaine and heroin. 

You probably don't equate drug use with success, but some of most successful stars have indeed puffed, inhaled, sniffed and more. They were unable to remove what once held them hostage physically and mentally in debilitating sickness, hopelessness, fear and shame.
Drug abuse took everything from them until death. Before life, they lost kids, children, wives, bands, job and they never understood why because they're an addict.

A strong risk factor for drug abuse is a high level of stress, which is becoming more prominent in the lives of people that society considers successful.

It is not drugs that are in question, but the human and psychological issues implicit in this kind of behaviour. Too often we forget that it is not the product that creates the addiction, but the person who feels the need for it. Products may different but the basic reasons remain the same. The use of drugs is symptomatic of a profound "malaise".

So try to reflect: look at the world around you, look at the rise and the fall of people, look at the emptiness of success, look at the restlessness and the loneliness. Now listen to this song and try to answer to the questions for your life:

What is holy in your life?
What is sacred in your life?
What is good?
What is pure?
What is safe?
What is secure?

6 commenti:

  1. Condivido le tue parole...Sacra per me è la vita stessa

  2. Condivido Laura e aggiungo che sacro deve essere l'amore verso il prossimo.

  3. Sacro è qualcosa a cui tu riconosci la massima importanza ed è per te intoccabile

  4. Sacro è il dono che abbiamo ricevuto con la nostra esistenza. Come tale dobbiamo custodirlo e apprezzarlo

  5. Molto strano e curioso l'accostamento tra sacro e questa canzone. In ogni caso sono domande profonde che ti spingono a riflettere sul valore dell'esistenza.

  6. L'amore che ci è stato dato in dono
